Vision Desktop Engravers - Express S5
The Vision Express S5 is our entry level engraver. This robust yet affordable engraving machine is ideal for engraving many items made from metal, acrylic, brass, wood, or plastic.
Express S5: 6” x 8” (152 x 203mm)
Material thickness max: 1.25" (32mm)
V-Touch technology and multifunction screen makes it easy to use and speeds up the engraving process.
Click the links below to find out more about the Vision Express S5 specifications

express s5 TOUR
Check out the video below to get a full tour of the Vision Express S5 and all it has to offer.
Check out some of the most impressive features of the Express S5 below.

NEW V-Touch multi functional touch screen

6" x 8" aluminium T-slot table

11/64" spindle

Adjustable Edge Guides

Square Linear Bearings on All Axes

Ethernet connection
Vision Desktop Engravers - VE810 S5
The VE 810 S5 Engraver is perfect for users who are new to engraving and seasoned professionals. The aluminium T-slot table allows the VE 810 S5 to easily engrave flat items such as tags, small signs, notary seals, knives, lighters, gifts, jewellery, awards, trophy plates, and more.
VE810 S5: 8" x 10" (203 x 254mm)
Material thickness max: 1" (25.4 mm)
The VE 810 S5 features new V-Touch Technology, adding a multi-functional touch screen and internal memory.
Add in the optional Self-Centering Deep Vice to engrave larger odd shaped items up to 3 1/4" (82mm) deep.
Click the links below to find out more about the Vision VE810 S5 specifications

VE810 s5 TOUR
Check out the video below to get a full tour of the VE810 S5 and all it has to offer.
Check out some of the most impressive features of the VE810 below.

NEW V-Touch multi functional touch screen

10" x 8" aluminium T-slot table

11/64" spindle

Adjustable edge guides

Square linear bearings on all axes

Ethernet connection
Vision Desktop Engravers - PHOENIX 1212 S5
The Phoenix 1212 S5 Engraver is a user-friendly desktop engraving machine with a highly adaptive work area. It has a medium size form factor with an open back design.
Bed Size: 12” x 12” (305 x 305mm)
Material thickness max: 1.25 inch (31.75 mm)
It comes with an aluminium T-Slot table for holding down flat materials. V-Touch Technology, its newest upgrade adds a multi-functional touch screen display, internal memory, and other performance enhancing features.
It can also engrave odd shaped items up to 3 ¼” (82mm) thick using it’s optional deep vice.
Click the links below to find out more about the Vision Phoenix 1212 S5 specifications
Vision Phoenix 1212 Specifications

phoenix 1212 s5 TOUR
Check out the video below to get a full tour of the Phoenix 1212 and all it has to offer.
Phoenix 1212 FEATURES
Check out some of the most impressive features of the Phoenix 1212 below.

NEW V-Touch multi functional touch screen

12" x 12" aluminium T-slot table

11/64" or 1/4" top-loading spindle (collet optional)

A limited 2-year warranty

An electronic sensor for automatic surface setting